The April Nites structure consists of a few components. Please click on each logo to find out more about each component.
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The Archive (where you are logged into right now) is our private online portal for April Nites active consultants and management staff. The log in details will have been provided in your welcome email. This is your very own bank of knowledge. A constantly growing online archive of tools to help grow your April Nites business. Here you will find vital training documents, tutorial videos, articles, useful admin documents and much more.

Our successful consultants are the ones that have taken the time to read, gather ideas and educate themselves on the Archive. They are active members of our community and you will very often see them starting new threads, participating in discussions and helping new members of our team. Don't be overwhelmed with the information. We want you to have access to everything you need at your fingertips but go through it in your own time. Training should be an ongoing process. We can all learn something new no matter how successful we are or how long we have been partying so please check back regularly for new training materials.
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aprilnites.com.au is our main website that promotes the brand. This is where all our customers can see our products, read our latest news and book parties with us.
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April Nites Heartthrobs is our male topless waiter service. You might very well find yourself at a party working alongside one of our hunky heartthrobs, but thats just another hard day at work ;)
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